11 this is some dummy short description here nothing real here

Centres of Excellence

Pulmonology is the specialty dealing with disease involving the respiratory tract.

What we do at Noora:

We provide a full range of inpatient and outpatient services. There are three Out-Patient Chest Clinics in a week.

Facilities that are available in the department of Pulmonary Medicine at Noora Hospital are as follows:

  1. Video-Branchoscopy including Endobronchial Biopsy, Transbronchial Needle Aspiration, Fluoroscopic Guided Lung Biopsy / Needle Aspiration, Endobronchial Electrocautery, Foreign Body Removal,
  2. Rigid Bronchoscopy (in-pipeline) with the aim of Endobronchial Ablation of Tumors and Stent Placement
  3. Medical Thoracoscopy (rigid) for evaluation of un-diagnose Plural Effusion.
  4. Spirometry for evaluation of Airwary diseases.
  5. Polysomnography lab for evaluation of sleep related disorder.


Dr. Mir Elias  

Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
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Rozi Akther

Lab Incharge
Three Year Diploma in Medical Lab Technology

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